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X Days, a Prisoner’s Diary

By Pierre-Yves Borgeaud et Stéphane Blok

Set between true fiction and an imaginary documentary, A prisoner’s diary is a poetic video left by a home prisoner, who mysteriously disappeared after more than 200 days of detention.

Erik Suger, a 38-years old physicist and bachelor, has been condemned for a computer crime we do not know whether it was intentional or not. With an ordinary digital camera, he tells about his particular form of confinement by filming his ordinary apartment, his ordinary life. Little by little, he overcomes the passive acceptance of his situation and begins to examine and question the internal and external limits of his personal liberty.

Suger first looks for love among virtual chat rooms, then moves on to the transient physical comfort found in priced love. Prisoner in a world of images and bytes, he progressively immerses himself into the heart of audio-visual material in order to assimilate it. Torn between his scientific rigor, his mystic aspirations, and his erotic fantasies, he will cross the threshold of appearances in order to discover a unified and enchanted world of daily life right in front of him. More than anything else, he finds the possibility of a great escape.

A film by Pierre-Yves Borgeaud and Stéphane Blok

Produced by Louise Productions, Momentum Production and Productions Les Hérétiques

Year of production : 2003
Language : french
Subtitles : none
Length : 91 min

Script : Pierre-Yves Borgeaud & Stéphane Blok
Image :
Pierre-Yves Borgeaud
Editing :
Pierre-Yves Borgeaud
Sound mixing : 
Fred Kohler
Music :
Stéphane Blok

In coproduction with the RTS


Louise Productions Vevey
Rue de la Clergère 2
1800 Vevey